Hi, I'm Nicola...

I am the business owner of Counselling with Nicola. This is a highly successful counselling service that I run from my home in Scotland.  My business has flourished through two recessions and a pandemic. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my business would be this successful - but it is!

Do you want to know something else?

 Other than hosting my website I have never paid a single penny on marketing!

Incredible isn’t it? 


within one hour of going ‘live’ with my business, I had secured my first client. 

I will NEVER forget the joy of that feeling! I’m pretty sure I did a ‘happy dance’!

I would love to help you set up and grow your business with little or no marketing costs. 

There is a lot of work to be done to set up your private practice but I have the skills and knowledge to guide you through this process.

So why should you work with me? 

Well, I have a lot of experience setting up counselling services in my local community and supporting therapists to set up their own business. 

The counselling services I set up in my community support people in managing their mental health. These services continue to be a huge asset to the community and are also great placement opportunities for trainee counsellors. Many years later they are still busy and thriving too. 

I set up these counselling services with no extra costs to the organisations involved. 

I have a great deal of experience in working with clients, and therapists. I understand how to connect with clients to meet their needs. I know how to communicate my services to my potential client base. 

I have a great deal of experience in marketing myself with no costs involved.

What stage are you at?

Do you want to quickly learn everything you need to know? If so the Webinar is exactly what you are looking for. It is a 45-minute recording that covers everything you need to get started.

Do you need much more content and information? If so you definitely need my training course. This is a course packed full of content. The content is delivered in video form so you can listen to me at your leisure. We explore marketing in depth and discuss all the policies you need as well. There are downloadable templates to help get you started with your policies. You will also get access to me in the private membership group if you buy my training course.

Do you need the support of a community and access to me? If so come and join my private membership where we will work together to get you up and running. This membership will be full of content and I will be available in the group to support you. 

If you are a counsellor already set up in private practice and are struggling to get clients maybe you need me to review your marketing. Here I will look over your website, social media pages, and directory listings, and give you a review on where I think there might be gaps.